Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Taylor Swifts Favorite dishes

Taylor recently gave an in-depth interview to Elle magazine where she talked about the 30 lessons she learned before turning 30 this year.

The first recipe I decided to try was Jamie Oliver's fajitas — which was actually inspired by Señor Dick’s restaurant recipe. I've made fajitas before, but not molé, so this seemed like a safe place to start!

The most intriguing part of this recipe for me was the dark chocolate that the molé sauce required. I honestly had NO idea how it would taste. Tomatoes and cumin and dark chocolate all in one sauce?

The most time-consuming part of this recipe was chopping up all the vegetables. Onions and I have some bad blood, some might say. I can't seem to chop one up without my eyes burning, watering, and becoming irritated. I wonder if Taylor can relate???

When I first started cooking the molé sauce I thought, "Oh man, this doesn't look right!" But once you leave everything to cook together and simmer, it smoothes out — and then smoothes out even further once you add in the dark chocolate! All in all, pretty easy.

The final part: THE TASTE TEST. It ended up being delicious. The molé sauce added such a nice pop of flavor to the spiced chicken and veggies. I had two heapin' servings of it. Never in my 🎶 WILDEST DREAMS 🎶 would I have thought it'd be this easy to make. I can see why it's one of Taylor's go-to party recipes.

The second recipe I attempted was Ina Garten's classic spaghetti and meatballs. Honestly, when is pasta NOT a hit at a party? Give me all the carbs.

This seemed like a lot of ingredients for a simple spaghetti and meatballs dish, but it would be my first time cooking spaghetti sauce that wasn't from a jar. As someone *also* turning 30 this year, I felt like now was time to learn how to make sauce from scratch!

Note: You actually need two cans of crushed tomatoes. I accidentally grabbed one can of diced (whoops) from my pantry — as seen in the picture — but I used both cans of crushed in the recipe.

Also, the only thing I changed was substituting ground turkey for ground beef (because red meat doesn't agree with my stomach.)
The first step was to throw all the meatball ingredients into a bowl and 🎶 DELICATE 🎶 -LY mix it all up. But for real. Ina's like, "please do this part gently." I was able to make 14 large meatballs from one pound of turkey!

I was pretty nervous about this next step. You're supposed to heat a blend of olive oil and vegetable oil in a pan, then let the meatballs cook. I was convinced mine would fall apart and I'd ruin the entire meal. But that didn't happen!!!! In fact, they cooked PERFECTLY.

Making the sauce from scratch wasn't too hard either. Once all the ingredients are combined, the meatballs go BACK into the sauce to cook for another 25-30 minutes. And if the sauce starts splatterin' you know what to do... SHAKE IT OFF (but also cover the top).

After the sauce and meatballs cook, you dump the whole thing on top of your delicious pasta! I added some more parsley as a garnish, but Ina suggests using basil. Either way, the dish was 🎶 GORGEOUS 🎶.

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