Monday, September 9, 2019

Get super shiny hair with this foods

Hair is one of the best part of the body to look someone special and attractive. Everybody want shiny hair. But how to get ? Only Shampoo or Conditioner cann't make it for you. There are some foods which can make your hair healthy and shiny.

As well as fatty acids, fish boasts high supplies of iron and vitamin B12, both of which are essential to skin and hair health. Meanwhile, rich sources of protein and vitamin D – which you can also absorb from the sun – improve hair strength and prevent breakage.

Shellfish, like shrimps, pack a similar, hair-nourishing punch. The crustaceans come fully loaded with a full arsenal of fatty acids, vitamin D, B12, iron, zinc, selenium and protein: all great components to healthy hair and glowing skin.


One of the most powerful beauty-boosters on the planet are oysters, which contain highly concentrated levels of nourishing vitamins and minerals − including hair strengthening folic acid, iron protein and skin-clearing selenium and zinc - for a relatively tiny amount of calories.

Similarly, eggs are hair-enhancing mineral bombs just waiting to be consumed. As well as containing many of the minerals and vitamins oysters contain, they are also rich in biotin, which helps to improve lustre. In fact, if you take a peek at the label on the back of your shampoo or conditioner, you might just find biotin listed in the ingredients, too.

Lean Beef
Red meat is often thought of as a huge diet don’t, but eating a couple of portions of lean beef a week can do wonders for your locks. It contains many of the vital minerals needed to enhance lustre, strength and hair health as well as being one of the best sources of protein available.

Lean Turkey
Turkey, particularly the dark part of the bird, provides a rich source of hair-boosting vitamins and minerals.

Lean Chicken
Not a fan of turkey? Chuck a couple of lean chicken breasts under the grill instead. Chicken is a great, low-fat source of protein – essential for hair strength and scalp health.

Vegetarian? Make sure you eat plenty of lentils. As well as protein and carbs, the pulses are packed full of folic acid, or iron, which is essential for transporting oxygen from your blood to your scalp and hair follicles. Good scalp circulation means quicker, stronger hair growth and faster cell renewal.

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