Saturday, September 21, 2019

Best Keto Chili 🌶️ gluten free & paleo How to prepare

One of the top searched Recipe last year is Keto Chili Gluten. Very tasty and Nutritious food specially who want nice figure and also want to taste meat. 
There are numerous (endless?!) ways to tackle chili, starting with the meat. Be it chicken or beef, ground or Texas-style chunks. Hey, you can even make it vegan with just veggies! And, of course, the spices used (and amounts) vary widely to taste.

Real chili purists will advocate for a chili with little tomato and no beans. As in… naturally keto!

And this recipe is a mix of just that. A traditional chili recipe sans beans, mixed with a friend’s sweet grandma’s recipe (a real crowd pleaser). The story goes that no one has ever left the table without going for seconds on this one… and I can definitely attest to that!


    3 cloves garlic ran through a press
    1 large onion finely chopped
    500 g ground beef
    2 cloves
    1 1/2 tablespoons chili powder *
    1-2 teaspoons ground cumin to taste
    1-2 teaspoons paprika to taste
    1 teaspoon ground oregano
    1/2 teaspoon chipotle powder optional, to taste
    1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper optional, to taste
    1 400 g can diced tomatoes
    240 ml beef broth
    120 ml (gluten free or low carb) beer optional**
    60 ml strong brewed coffee optional**
    kosher salt to taste


    Heat up olive oil in a dutch oven or large pot over medium/high heat. Add garlic and onion, and cook until it just begins to brown (about 8 minutes).

    Lower heat to medium, add ground beef, cloves and a large pinch of salt. Cook until it begins to brown, stirring every so often (5 to 7 minutes). Add in all the spices and cook for a couple more minutes until fragrant. Some peeps enjoy their chili spicier, others strong on cumin, etc... so feel free to adjust the spices slowly as the chili cooks (the fun part!).

    Add tomatoes and continue to cook over medium heat until it begins to simmer. Lower the heat to low and continue to cook for 15 minutes, stirring every so often.

    Add in the beef broth, beer (optional) and coffee (optional). Continue to cook for 3 to 8 hours. Adding 1/4 cup water (or broth) at a time, as needed. Remember that the longer you cook it, the more flavor it gets!
    Allow your chili to rest for 10 minutes prior to serving with your favorite toppings.

Recipe Notes

*Chili spices can vary a lot in taste (and preference!). Buying a ready-made chili powder mix is a good place to start. But do feel free to play around with the individual spices to your liking (think chili, oregano, cumin, coriander, paprika, chipotle... you could even add some chili ancho!).

**Adding in some (gluten free, low carb) beer and coffee add a bunch of flavor. But totally optional, and your chili will still be magnificent without them!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How to prepare Vanilla Ice Cream at home

We all love Ice Cream. Kids to Adult specially at Summer time ice cream is one of our favorite. Most of the time we Purchase from Ice Cream Popular,Drinks shop etc. But if you want to make your own Ice Cream at home than what is the recipe ? Yes you can make your own Vanilla Ice cream at home and enjoy it with your kids and family. Just follow the steps and make it .

 2 cups heavy whipping cream.

2 cups half-and-half cream.

1 cup sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla extract .


 Combine all ingredients, stirring to dissolve sugar completely. Fill cylinder of ice cream maker no more than two-thirds full; freeze according to manufacturer's directions. (Refrigerate any remaining mixture until ready to freeze.) Serve immediately or store in covered containers in freezer.

Note: For raspberry or strawberry ice cream, substitute 2 cups fresh or frozen berries for 1 cup half-and-half. Puree berries in a blender or food processor; stir into the other ingredients before freezing.

 Note: To prepare recipe without an ice cream maker, place a 13x9-in. dish in freezer until cold. Prepare cream mixture as directed; transfer to prepared dish. Freeze until edges of mixture begin to set, 20-30 minutes. Using a hand mixer, beat mixture until smooth. Freeze, covered, until firm, about 3 hours longer, beating again every 30 minutes.

 Test Kitchen Tips To create a luscious treat that’s rich in antioxidants, add some finely chopped dark chocolate to the ice cream. You can make a similar recipe in a coffee can.

Nutrition Facts 1/2 cup: 308 calories, 22g fat (14g saturated fat), 78mg cholesterol, 37mg sodium, 23g carbohydrate (23g sugars, 0 fiber), 3g protein.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Delicious Chicken Stew Recipe

Are you a fan of Chicken ? Here is a delicious dish for you. You can try it yourself. Easy to prepare dish. I am providing the full video of the Chicken Stew Recipe as you can make it for you and your family.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Things You Must Know Before Starting A Food Truck Business

Are you thinking about a food business ?If you’re looking for a great way to break into the food industry, starting your own food truck business is a great option. Food trucks offer all different types of cuisine, and there’s a huge market for food trucks in cities across the country. Of course, if you’re going to start your own food truck business, there’s a lot to learn.

Mobile food catering is a great way to start your journey as a foodie entrepreneur, especially if you don’t mind starting solo. A mobile food business lets you start small for as little as $5,000 or big for up to $100,000 depending on your resources and goals.

 It’s All About Location.

Food trucks allow you to bring food to your customers, and it’s all about location. However, you can’t just park your food truck wherever you find a crowd of people. In most cities and towns, you’ll need to get special permits and licenses. Take time to find out if food trucks are allowed in your area. Some areas only allow a certain number of permits for food trucks, which could leave you waiting. Figure out where you can set up before you get started.
2 – You’ll Need to Invest in a Food Truck.

Sure, investing in a food truck is cheaper than buying a brick-and-mortar restaurant. However, it still costs a significant amount of money to buy your own food truck, even if you decide on going with a used one. Used trucks can provide the most cost-effective option, but you need to plan on how you’re going to finance this big purchase, whether you go with a small business loan or try to get investors for your food truck business.
3 – You Can’t Forget About Health and Safety.

Health and safety is an important part of setting up your business. Before you can start selling food, you will need a health license. Your health inspector can let you know more about the regulations you’ll need to follow to keep your food truck business safe.
4 – Permits and Licenses are Needed.

You will need permits and licenses to operate your business. The exact licenses and permits needed can vary depending on your location, so find out what’s required in your area.
5 – Food Trucks Go Beyond the Burger.

Today’s food trucks go far beyond offering just burgers and sandwiches. You can really get innovative with what you offer. While sandwiches are often a hit, you can find food trucks that sell pizzas, sushi, gourmet cupcakes, and more. Many consumers are looking for healthier fare, which is something to consider as well. Find out what locals want in your market and come up with a unique idea for your business.

6 – You Need to Learn Social Media.

The most successful food trucks are learning to use the power of social media, and you’ll need to learn to use it to market your business. It’s a great too, and you can use social media sites like Twitter and Facebook to promote your business. You can use social media to offer specials, promotions, and even let your customers know where you plan to be each day.
7 – Expect to Do a Lot of Work.

Starting a food truck business isn’t easy, but it is very rewarding. Expect to do a lot of work and put in some long hours as you get started. But remember, that hard work can pay off big time once you start bringing in profits.

Taylor Swifts Favorite dishes

Taylor recently gave an in-depth interview to Elle magazine where she talked about the 30 lessons she learned before turning 30 this year.

The first recipe I decided to try was Jamie Oliver's fajitas — which was actually inspired by Señor Dick’s restaurant recipe. I've made fajitas before, but not molé, so this seemed like a safe place to start!

The most intriguing part of this recipe for me was the dark chocolate that the molé sauce required. I honestly had NO idea how it would taste. Tomatoes and cumin and dark chocolate all in one sauce?

The most time-consuming part of this recipe was chopping up all the vegetables. Onions and I have some bad blood, some might say. I can't seem to chop one up without my eyes burning, watering, and becoming irritated. I wonder if Taylor can relate???

When I first started cooking the molé sauce I thought, "Oh man, this doesn't look right!" But once you leave everything to cook together and simmer, it smoothes out — and then smoothes out even further once you add in the dark chocolate! All in all, pretty easy.

The final part: THE TASTE TEST. It ended up being delicious. The molé sauce added such a nice pop of flavor to the spiced chicken and veggies. I had two heapin' servings of it. Never in my 🎶 WILDEST DREAMS 🎶 would I have thought it'd be this easy to make. I can see why it's one of Taylor's go-to party recipes.

The second recipe I attempted was Ina Garten's classic spaghetti and meatballs. Honestly, when is pasta NOT a hit at a party? Give me all the carbs.

This seemed like a lot of ingredients for a simple spaghetti and meatballs dish, but it would be my first time cooking spaghetti sauce that wasn't from a jar. As someone *also* turning 30 this year, I felt like now was time to learn how to make sauce from scratch!

Note: You actually need two cans of crushed tomatoes. I accidentally grabbed one can of diced (whoops) from my pantry — as seen in the picture — but I used both cans of crushed in the recipe.

Also, the only thing I changed was substituting ground turkey for ground beef (because red meat doesn't agree with my stomach.)
The first step was to throw all the meatball ingredients into a bowl and 🎶 DELICATE 🎶 -LY mix it all up. But for real. Ina's like, "please do this part gently." I was able to make 14 large meatballs from one pound of turkey!

I was pretty nervous about this next step. You're supposed to heat a blend of olive oil and vegetable oil in a pan, then let the meatballs cook. I was convinced mine would fall apart and I'd ruin the entire meal. But that didn't happen!!!! In fact, they cooked PERFECTLY.

Making the sauce from scratch wasn't too hard either. Once all the ingredients are combined, the meatballs go BACK into the sauce to cook for another 25-30 minutes. And if the sauce starts splatterin' you know what to do... SHAKE IT OFF (but also cover the top).

After the sauce and meatballs cook, you dump the whole thing on top of your delicious pasta! I added some more parsley as a garnish, but Ina suggests using basil. Either way, the dish was 🎶 GORGEOUS 🎶.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Ronaldo's Top 5 favorite food:CR7s top 5 food

Ronaldo's top 5 favorite foods and dishes, which include the popular "Bacalhau à Brás", a good wine or a very nutritious soups...

The man responsible for cooking for the Portuguese National Team players for the past 9 years, started by describing Ronaldo's favorite dish, the Portuguese "Bacalhau à Bras" (cod "à Bras" in English).

Ronaldo's favorite dish is indeed the "Bacalhau à Brás" and even his mother already talked about that. It's a shredded cod with shoestring potatoes, and wrapped on eggs and onion. It's really delicious food and I can tell you everyone in Portugal loves it!", noted the chef.

The Portuguese forward loves to go out to fancy restaurants and savor every bite and taste of whatever he's being served at the table.

Ronaldo is definitely a great fan of gourmet food. A good risotto for example, with arborio rice and stuffed with funghi has been one of his favorite meals over the past years. He started eating it more ever since he went to play for Manchester United, in England. He also loves eating vegetable soups and he does it preferably at night", revealed the Portuguese chef.

One of the revelations that might probably surprise most of Ronaldo fans, concerns his recently-acquired taste for wine. It's well known that Ronaldo has always kept himself away from drinking alcohol even in his teenage periods, but over the past few years, he has begun enjoying a good wine when the occasion allows it. His favorite wine is the very popular Port wine, produced in the Douro Valley, in Porto.

nd evidently, there also had to be room for a traditional dish from Madeira in this list. Ronaldo really loves his origins, probably as much as he loves eating some tasty beef skewers with fried cornmeal, also known as the "Espetada Madeirense" in his birth town of Madeira.

Lionel Messi's Favorite food

Football king Lionel Messi. Without him Barcelona and Argentina both are out of form. The superstar's favorite dish is the topic to focus today. Fan's are eager to know what is the super stars menu or favorite dish which made him so strong.
They say that Mother’s know their children the best and according to Messi’s mother, his favourite food is Milanesa Napolitana. The same was mentioned in Luca Caoili’s book about Messi and in case you don’t know the dish, it is a schnitzel-like dish made from ingredients such as ham, fried beef, tomato, onions etc.

To make the recipe, you are going to require the following ingredients:

    4 thinly sliced skillet steaks, such as top round
    3 eggs
    1 teaspoon oregano
    Salt and pepper to taste
    2 cups fresh bread crumbs
    1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
    2 cloves garlic, finely minced
    1/3 cup olive oil or vegetable oil
    1/2 cup tomato sauce
    4 sliced of deli ham
    1 cup grated Mozzarella cheese
    1 teaspoon Italian seasoning or oregano

Now, to cook the recipe:

    Take a shallow bowl or pan. Place the eggs in this and whisk them with oregano, salt and pepper.
    In another shallow pan, take the breadcrumbs and stir in the parmesan cheese and garlic/
    In a heavy skillet, heat the olive oil. Dip the steak in the egg mixture first and then in the bread mixture and place it on the skillet.
    Cook for several minutes until the steaks become golden brown in colour.
    After taking out, drain the steaks with paper towel and place it on baking sheet. Turn the oven broiler on and top each steak with a slice of ham, 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce and 1/4 cups of Mozzarella cheese.
    Sprinkle Italian seasoning and keep steaks in the broiler till the cheese melts and serve warm.